Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Goals...

This is a photo of my lemon tree in my backyard

I did not post my January goals.  But...I wrote them down.  Here is a recap and how i did...
1.  Go to the gym Monday through Friday every week
2.  Discipline yourself and eat the right portions
3.  Start a do it yourself planner of some kind in my new sketchbook moleskin
4.  Write everyday in a perpetual diary of some sort
5.  Get your weekly routine finalized by the end of this month!!
6.  Go over Dash's popcorn words every day during lunch
7.  Plan a date with my husband and also plan a date with my best friend, Cristina.
I kicked butt at the gym!!!! I did not go to the gym the first week of January because Dash was still at home. On January 9th he went back to school and I went to the gym...everyday that week, everyday the next week and everyday last week. This week...on Monday, I woke up with congestion in my chest and couldn't breathe, so I have been instructed by my husband..."no gym this week." So for January I went to the gym 14 days out of 31 and I lost 7 pounds! You better believe I will be starting back on Monday for sure!
I have done pretty good with this.  I eat Cheerios for breakfast every morning and soup for lunch everyday.  I am trying so hard to drink more water.  I have no problem drinking while I work out, but it's harder to drink it at home.  I do my best to eat low calorie and healthy for dinner, but every now and then a tamale or a burrito sneaks in there. I have definitely cut down on junk. My treat is to eat Sweetarts. That's my favorite!
This I have started!  You can check out the post for the last week of December and the first week of January.  I also completed Week 2 and Week 3 of January. It's random each week, but I'm really loving it! 

I was browsing the journals at Barnes & Noble and came across this little beauty...One Line A Day A Five-Year Memory Book and really loved the idea of keeping a diary like I did when I was in elementary school.  I love looking back at my diary and seeing the silly things I was doing or what I thought was important to write down! So I created my own...I found a journal that had small grid lines on it which would be perfect for dividing each year.  I got out my date stamper and stamped each page at the top with the month and date for the entire year.  I even included a page for February 29, just in case. Here it is...

My lovely little perpetual journal.  I just write a couple lines a day so when I look back I can get a glimpse of my day.  I for sure have enough space for five years.  When I'm done, oh what a treasure!!

This has been the biggest chore.  I can't tell you how many times I have changed my weekly routine.  I started out trying to do a little housework every day of the week, but I got burned out.  So, for the new year I decided I was going to have 2 days of housework and the rest of the week some projects and some creative stuff.  That worked like a charm.  Here is a peek into my weekly routine, if your interested...

Dash has now passed almost all of his popcorn lists.  There are 6 lists.  Each week he has to read sentences correctly that include that particular list words.  He will be tested for List 6 on Friday.  Then we will start over again on list 1 and he will have to start writing the words to pass each test.  Here are all the popcorn words...
I lagged on the husband date.  But, I did get a date in with my best friend Cristina.  She and I worked together for 15 years.  We have been a constant in each others life every day at work.  When I stopped working it was devastating for the both of us.  We agreed that we HAVE to get together every month because we are each others rock!  Now, I just need to get better at planning a date with my husband.

Let's see how good I can be in February.
Hope you were inspired today!!

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