Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2011 30 day Sketchbook Challenge...

Journal Prompt 1:
Create an introduction page.
This can be an introduction of yourself or of your journal.
This is kind of like the title page for your journal. 

Journal Prompt 2:
Create 3 to 5 simple, accomplishable goals for your 30 day journal challenge.
What are some things that you hope to accomplish through this adventure?

Journal Prompt 3:
What are at least 5 things that you want to do in June?
It's the beginning of the month, and of the summer season.
This list is for things that you either want to do in June or that you MUST do in June. 

Journal Prompt 4:
What I Wish I Wore... 
So, today's prompt is all about what you wish you would have worn!!
This prompt gives you the freedom to describe your perfect outfit for today.

Journal Prompt 5:
What are your summer traditions.
We all have different traditions for each and every season right?
What are some things that you do as a tradition each summer?
If you don't have any traditions, maybe you can create some this summer!!

Journal Prompt 6:
Write a love letter to YOURSELF!
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
You are amazing, now tell yourself you are :)

Journal Prompt 7:
Write a love letter to someone special!
This letter can be to anyone.
Share your love with someone today and let them know that you care :)
As bonus, share this letter with the person it's directed too.

Journal Prompt 8:
Time Capsule!
If you were to make a time capsule today,
that wouldn't be opened for at least another 100 years,
what would you put in it??
You can be as outlandish with this as you want because it's pretend.
What are some things that make you, you!

Journal Prompt 9:
Completely fill your page with something random.
Leave your pen in your desk today and find beauty in the every day random things around you. 

Journal Prompt 10:
Illustrate your all time favorite song :)  

Journal Prompt 11:
What is your heart full of?
What are the things that are consuming your heart these days.
This could be things that are hurting your heart, breaking your heart, 
or making your heart so full of love.

Journal Prompt 12:
Completely fill your page with line design!
Line design and geometrics have complete consumed my inspiration boards for awhile now.
The simple, yet complex designs are so aesthetically pleasing for me.
Have fun trying out line design, patterns, and geometric shapes on your page today.

Journal Prompt 13:  Create a simple family tree.
Do this in a way that works best for you.
You can write names, doodle portraits, place actual photos, whatever!!
It's up to you :)  Use this prompt to document your family; as small or as large as it may be!!

Journal Prompt 14:
What is your favorite quote?
Quotes are powerful reminders of the wisdom we can gather and share with others.

Journal Prompt 15:
Needs and Wants.
What are some things that you need right now?  
What are some things that you want right now?
Sometimes these two things are hard to discern right?  

Journal Prompt 16:  Today we are going on a little scavenger hunt!!
Below, you will find a simple scavenger hunt that I created for you all.
With this list, you will find everything on your list and then create a beautiful journal page with it!
So fun!!
Here is a list of the treasures we are looking for:
*something red     *a dictionary definition     *a map
*a footnote     *a ticket stub     *a postmarked stamp
*a business card     *something with a circle on it     *a piece of security envelope
*a name tag     *an illustration of a chihuahua     *the header of your favorite blog

Journal Prompt 17:
This is another fun prompt to revisit every once in awhile.
What are your favorite songs, television shows, and hobbies right this second?

Journal Prompt 18:
Today is another challenge of sorts :)
This is a drawing prompt which may seem scary to some but you will rock it :)
I want you to illustrate your job.
The key word here is "illustrate" it.
It's kind of like a game of Pictionary right?

Journal Prompt 18: 
 If you could have one superpower, what would it be??
I think that this silly little prompt may actually say a lot about who we are :)

Journal Prompt 20: 
If you had 3 wishes today, what would they be?
These can be silly wishes, heartfelt wishes, deep desires, or practical wishes.
If you had 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?

Journal Prompt 21:
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Words of wisdom are awesome right?
Sometimes I just like to read through Proverbs to remind myself of all of that good advice.
What is the best advice you have gotten?

Journal Prompt 22:
A challenge.
What are some things that you need to challenge yourself to do this summer?
I know that this journal challenge is one thing for sure :)
Today we will use the prompt- "I challenge myself to..."

Journal Prompt 23:
Summer Sounds!
Today, I would like you to create your perfect Summer Playlist :) 

Journal Prompt 24:
I make ____ well.
What is something that you do really well.
It could be that you make some type of food well, a type of art. etc.
Some of you may be like me and you make messes really well?
Whatever it is that you do well, document it today :)

Journal Prompt 25:
What's in my bag? 
This is always a fun little blog post that I see all over the internet. 
I love seeing what's in other people's bags.
These are the things that are important to people and what makes them, them!
Today we are going to document it on paper instead of our blogs ok?

Journal Prompt 26:
Think of a creative way to document your day and then do it!

Journal Prompt 27:
Who or what inspires you?
What gets your creative juices flowing
Is there a person that just oozes inspiration and makes you want to be more creative?
This is your time to document that!!

Journal Prompt 28:
What are your goals for July?  Today we will write a list of goals that we would like to accomplish in July.
Try to think of 3-5 easily attainable goals.

Journal Prompt 29
An Interview.
Take the time today to write up a short and sweet little interview in your journal
and then...go interview someone.
Create a generic interview or an interview created specifically for the person you choose to give it to.

Journal Prompt 30:A thank you :) 
This page is to serve as a thank you to someone who has helped you out, inspired you, encouraged you, etc., specifically during this month.Chose this page to document your thanks and express it!!!

(source for all prompts:  Run With Scissors)

Signature 6

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