Monday, October 3, 2011

October Goals...

Goals are what keep us motivated and on track.
I always like to make at least five goals each month.

I skipped the month of September but am ready
to hold myself accountable for the month of October.

Here are my goals for October...
I am very inconsistant with my bible reading and need to be better at it.
My day needs to start with the Lord and end with the Lord, no matter what

I also want to plan activities with Dash instead of just sort of making time for things.
Here are the activities I plan on doing with Dash each week...
  • play card games such as Go Fish, Crazy Eights and Old Maid. (he loves them)
  • have creative time with him (I bought him an art journal, fingerpaints and new stampers...he has a large collection of stampers)
  • Reading to Dash 15 minutes a day and letting him read one of his school books to me.
I have a schedule, I just need to follow it and not be lazy.
Follow the schedule, get it all done, then I can play.  Easy, right?  sure :)

I have too many projects going at the same time.
Which means I'm not getting anything done.
Just projects half done.
Focus on one project.  That's it.

My beloved art jounal is getting all the attention this month.
Participating in a journaling class really disciplines me and holds me accountable.
I am going to keep up with each prompt and blog my page EVERYDAY!
So far, so good.

What are your goals for this month?
I'd love to know.
Let me know if you've posted your goals.
We will hold each other accountable!

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