Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Goals...

You all know that I'm new to the stay at home mom world .
I am so blessed to have this opportunity and do not take it for granted at all ,
I've just been trying to do too much .
I ' think ' I'm supposed to do everything now , since I supposedly have the time now .
I'm just having a little trouble balancing everything .

Here was last months GOALS . . .

How I did . . .
  1. I'm having trouble being consistent with this and I don't know why .  I need the Lord , everyday .  I know this, but I keep forgetting .  I feel terrible about it .  I'm going to keep this at the top of my goal list and I will put HIM first .
  2. Dash and I have been spending tons of quality time together .  We have been painting , playing cards ,  practicing writing letters and numbers .  We have had so much fun together . 
  3. Last week , I finally got into my cleaning groove .  I've either done too much and burned out or not done enough and gotten lazy . 
  4. I made a list of projects that I want to complete in the house .  The list is a page and a half long . We have lived in this house a year October 1, 2010 .  There are still tons of boxes to be unpacked in the garage , there are hardly any pictures on the wall and it's just not anywhere near being where it should be .  This is because I worked 40 hours a week , I drove from home to daycare to work to daycare to home 10 hours a week (400 miles a week and I'm not exaggerating at all) .  When I got home I was exhausted and spent what time I could with Jeremy and Dash .  Housework got done on Saturdays .  Now that I'm at home things are gonna change around here .  I have chosen the main color for the house . . . Valspar Moose Mousse
My floor is medium wood color so the contrast will be beautiful !
It took a couple of 1/2 pints to get the color right . 
FYI . . . I have to give Jeremy credit , he picked this color .
(I used the virtual painter on valspar.com to create the image above)

     5.  I art journaled almost everyday . I took a class from Janel at Run With Scissors called I Will Fall For   
          You . It was so much fun .  It was really a challenge because Fall is not really prevalent in San Diego .  
          I really would have never thought to do any entries in my journal on Fall .  Now I have almost 30 or    
          more pages of Fall .  I haven't finished the last 4 days .  When I finish them I will put the pages up for   
          you all to see .  Have I told you how much I love to art journal ?  It is my therapy and I don't know   
          how I lived without it before . 

So , here are my goals for this month . . .
This will happen .  

I have gotten better at disciplining myself to do housework .
I have also gotten better at doing the neccessities everyday and the basics weekly .
Hopefully by the end of this month my cleaning schedule will be set .

I've been reading this book since September .
I'm just not picking it up often enough, that's all .

I really love my blog .  It is so important to me .
I was just trying to do too much last month and something had to give .
Unfortunately, it was the blog .  Not this month , though .
I just need to create a blogging schedule , just like everything else .

I have purchased a Bind It All , a Zutter Cutter and tons of paper .
I am ready to start putting together my own journals!!

Hope you all had a wonderful October and a spooky Halloween .

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