Wednesday, February 22, 2012

365 Journal Project...week 7 & 8...

I'm really excited about this 365 journal layout!  My mom was here with me visiting from Texas last week. My mother has the most beautiful penmanship ever!  I got her to label the pages for me.  I wrote the details of my week really small so that her handwriting would be the focus.
I decided that pink would be the color because of Valentine's Day.
Isn't her handwriting penmanship just lovely!  Mom brought a fun new toy that she had just purchased...
a Xyron 150 Create-A-Sticker!  We were excited to try it out...I punched out this heart below with a Martha Stewart punch and ran it through the Xyron sticker maker.  Very easy and simple to turn anything into a sticker!  You just can't put anything in it any wider that an inch and a half.  I so want one now.
Mom & Dad left on Saturday  morning and we spent the long weekend camping.
I decided to write all the details of my week with a Micron .005 pen and keep it really small.
I added the owls above because while my mom was here, owls stalked us everywhere.  I will be posting more about this.  The sketch below is our cute little camping trailer.  I will also be posting about that soon.
There are only 7 days left of February.  Can you believe it?
I am having so much fun with this project!  Wonder what theme I will use for the next layout?  I usually wait until the 1st week has passed and choose the theme depending on what I'm up to!
Hope you were inspired!

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