Friday, February 10, 2012

Sketchbook Show & Tell

I purchased a class before the new year and finally took the time to sit down and do the exercises. There were about eight videos for five pages.  It was really good loosening up and journaling exercises.  The first page was all about doodling.  It reminded me of Zentangling.  The prompt was to write about what was on your mind the most right now.  I added the explanation but in a very confusing back and forth fashion so that it wouldn't make any sense except to me.  Page 2 was about creating a fun watercolor background using different techniques. Then, I just used a black pen to doodle randomly and create interesting shapes, then added my journaling.  The prompt was: what my goals were for this year, what did I want to accomplish this year.

Page 3 was my favorite of all.  I started the page out with journaling about what was on my mind with my left hand,  gessoing over it, adding a watercolor wash and then stenciling.  So much fun!  The 4th page was adding collage.  Choosing your focal point image, working around it with a few other elements, then adding some journaling.  The prompt was: what is something that has happened recently that was a big deal to you.  

I ask that you please do not judge this next piece it is really raw.  I HATE drawing noses and mouths.  I am not good at it at all!  Never have been and I probably never will be.  When the instructor for the class started drawing a portrait, I was mortified.  I had this beautiful background of gray with pick paint drips on it. I think I wrote out the words to the Dixie Chicks song Wide Open Spaces (I love that song), which was underneath it.  So, I just pulled up my artist pants and went for it.  I started with a kind of a heart shape face, put in a space for the eyes, the nose and the mouth.  I smudged and added, smudged and added. I think the nose was better before, but I messed with it and ended up with the koala nose.  Once I had all the basics I just didn't have the patience to try and put color into her face so I just left her gray and put the color in her lips.  My thinking behind this page was that this is me now, kind of black and white, not back to my 100% self, and then declaring that I'm coming back!!!  Considering how really bad that I am at noses and mouths I hope you can appreciate this.
Once I walked away from this piece, watched tv, did the dishes, etc.  I came back to look at it and showed it to my husband.  We really had a good laugh with I'm coming back.  Obviously, she is a ghost that is haunting me and threatening that she is coming back!  Ha ha ha!  We laughed and laughed together about it.  I love it even more now.
Next up is my new Zentangle book that I told you about last week.  I have added two pages of tangles that are mine to keep and I don't have to give them to someone!!  Yay!!!  The one on the left was actually done at Cristina's house.  She was having a Cookie Lee party and instead of driving all the way back home afterwards, I stayed the night.  Her sister stayed as well.  We talked late into the night.  And as we talked, I tangled.  It is so amazing how relaxing it is.  I probably spent a good 6 hours on it.  The drawing on the right was inspired by a vase of flowers that Cris has on her table.  I spent about 3 hours on it the next morning.

So these are my pretties to share.  Thanks for taking a look.  Please tell me what you think!!
Just don't make fun of my gray girl!
Hope you were inspired!!

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