Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shoot & Edit...SOOC

Chalk Drawings

This week's theme is Chalk Drawings.

My 4 year old son Dash calls his 13 year old cousin Nathaniel, Faniel.
He hasn't got the first part of his name yet.
Everyone loves it.  I think it's adorable.

Wanna see more chalk drawings go here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pinterest Project...

I finally completed a Pinterest project!  I admit that I waited till the last day of February to do it, but the point is I did it.  I just needed something simple to just jump in with and this is what I chose:

Make-Your-Own-Envelopes Tutorial
by Emily Pitts
at Simple Stories

and here is my envelope...
I used embroidery thread instead of twine...
I'm gonna stick it somewhere in my new Smash journal...
Hope you were inspired!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

48 Questions...

  1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30am
  2. How do you like your steak?  medium
  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?  Chipwrecked with Dash
  4. What is your favorite TV show?  I have 3...Project Runway, CSI, Pioneer Woman
  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?  Manhattan!!!
  6. What did you have for breakfast?  Banana and cup of coffee
  7. What is your favorite food?  Ribeye steak
  8. Foods you dislike?  Sushi
  9. Favorite place to eat?  Cool Hand Luke's
  10. Favorite dressing?  Ranch
  11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?  Kia
  12. What are your favorite clothes?  T-shirt & jeans
  13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?  Shanghai, see the Hello Kitty House
  14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 1/2 empty, unfortunately
  15. Where would you want to retire? Petaluma, California
  16. Favorite time of day? drinking my coffee in the morning
  17. Where were you born?  Nacogdoches, Texas
  18. What is your favorite sport to watch?  Gymnastics & Ice Skating
  19. What is your favorite fragrance?  Lola by Marc Jacobs
  20. What is your favorite face cream? Mario Badescu The Moisture Magnet
  21. Favorite baby/kids products? no favorites at this time that I can think of
  22. People watcher? Absolutely, very entertaining...especially if I have my sketchbook
  23. Are you a morning or night person?  definitely a night person, but I'm trying to become a morning person instead
  24. Do you have any pets? tuxedo cat named Shadow (7) & an Australian Cattledog named Skyanne (2)
  25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?  nope
  26. What did you want to be when you were little?  teacher
  27. What is your favorite memory?  Early the next morning, after having my newborn son/c-section... I was stuck in the hospital bed, my husband was sleeping in a cot and I was kind of freaking out because I couldn't pick up my own baby.  Then, I realized...why am I freaking out...I have my faith in God, he will  see me through this just like he has seen me through other tough situations...duh.
  28. Are you a cat or dog person?  more cat than dog
  29. Are you married? yes, 14 years in June
  30. Always wear your seat belt?  yes
  31. Been in a car accident?  nothing major
  32. Any pet peeves?  people who are inconsiderate and selfish
  33. Favorite pizza toppings?  black olives, mushrooms and onions!
  34. Favorite flower?  Gerbera Daisy
  35. Favorite ice cream?  Rainbow Sherbert from Baskin Robbins
  36. Favorite fast food restaurant?  Taco Bell, I know...pitiful
  37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? passed the first time
  38. From whom did you get your last email?  my mother in law, Bev
  39. Which store would you choose to max our your credit card?  HOBBY LOBBY!!
  40. Do anything spontaneous lately?  bought some fabric to make a purse
  41. Like your job?  LOVE IT!!
  42. Broccoli?  yum!
  43. What was your favorite vacation? Cruise to Alaska in 1998 with Jeremy!
  44. Last person you went out to dinner with?  My mom & dad
  45. What are you listening to right now? my son play monster trucks♥
  46. What is your favorite colour?  PINK
  47. How many tattoos do you have?  none
  48. Coffee drinker?  yes, yes and yes!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

365 Journal Project...week 7 & 8...

I'm really excited about this 365 journal layout!  My mom was here with me visiting from Texas last week. My mother has the most beautiful penmanship ever!  I got her to label the pages for me.  I wrote the details of my week really small so that her handwriting would be the focus.
I decided that pink would be the color because of Valentine's Day.
Isn't her handwriting penmanship just lovely!  Mom brought a fun new toy that she had just purchased...
a Xyron 150 Create-A-Sticker!  We were excited to try it out...I punched out this heart below with a Martha Stewart punch and ran it through the Xyron sticker maker.  Very easy and simple to turn anything into a sticker!  You just can't put anything in it any wider that an inch and a half.  I so want one now.
Mom & Dad left on Saturday  morning and we spent the long weekend camping.
I decided to write all the details of my week with a Micron .005 pen and keep it really small.
I added the owls above because while my mom was here, owls stalked us everywhere.  I will be posting more about this.  The sketch below is our cute little camping trailer.  I will also be posting about that soon.
There are only 7 days left of February.  Can you believe it?
I am having so much fun with this project!  Wonder what theme I will use for the next layout?  I usually wait until the 1st week has passed and choose the theme depending on what I'm up to!
Hope you were inspired!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sketchbook Show & Tell

I purchased a class before the new year and finally took the time to sit down and do the exercises. There were about eight videos for five pages.  It was really good loosening up and journaling exercises.  The first page was all about doodling.  It reminded me of Zentangling.  The prompt was to write about what was on your mind the most right now.  I added the explanation but in a very confusing back and forth fashion so that it wouldn't make any sense except to me.  Page 2 was about creating a fun watercolor background using different techniques. Then, I just used a black pen to doodle randomly and create interesting shapes, then added my journaling.  The prompt was: what my goals were for this year, what did I want to accomplish this year.

Page 3 was my favorite of all.  I started the page out with journaling about what was on my mind with my left hand,  gessoing over it, adding a watercolor wash and then stenciling.  So much fun!  The 4th page was adding collage.  Choosing your focal point image, working around it with a few other elements, then adding some journaling.  The prompt was: what is something that has happened recently that was a big deal to you.  

I ask that you please do not judge this next piece it is really raw.  I HATE drawing noses and mouths.  I am not good at it at all!  Never have been and I probably never will be.  When the instructor for the class started drawing a portrait, I was mortified.  I had this beautiful background of gray with pick paint drips on it. I think I wrote out the words to the Dixie Chicks song Wide Open Spaces (I love that song), which was underneath it.  So, I just pulled up my artist pants and went for it.  I started with a kind of a heart shape face, put in a space for the eyes, the nose and the mouth.  I smudged and added, smudged and added. I think the nose was better before, but I messed with it and ended up with the koala nose.  Once I had all the basics I just didn't have the patience to try and put color into her face so I just left her gray and put the color in her lips.  My thinking behind this page was that this is me now, kind of black and white, not back to my 100% self, and then declaring that I'm coming back!!!  Considering how really bad that I am at noses and mouths I hope you can appreciate this.
Once I walked away from this piece, watched tv, did the dishes, etc.  I came back to look at it and showed it to my husband.  We really had a good laugh with I'm coming back.  Obviously, she is a ghost that is haunting me and threatening that she is coming back!  Ha ha ha!  We laughed and laughed together about it.  I love it even more now.
Next up is my new Zentangle book that I told you about last week.  I have added two pages of tangles that are mine to keep and I don't have to give them to someone!!  Yay!!!  The one on the left was actually done at Cristina's house.  She was having a Cookie Lee party and instead of driving all the way back home afterwards, I stayed the night.  Her sister stayed as well.  We talked late into the night.  And as we talked, I tangled.  It is so amazing how relaxing it is.  I probably spent a good 6 hours on it.  The drawing on the right was inspired by a vase of flowers that Cris has on her table.  I spent about 3 hours on it the next morning.

So these are my pretties to share.  Thanks for taking a look.  Please tell me what you think!!
Just don't make fun of my gray girl!
Hope you were inspired!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

365 Journal Project...week 5 & 6

The theme of week 5 and 6 is stickers and zentangles.  I have been doing a lot of Zentangles lately and wanted to add some of the patterns that I use to the page.  I also wanted to use stickers for the month titles, days of the weeks and dates.  I also incorporated some stickers that I actually accumulated during these weeks.  I wanted to just fill it up with words, zentangles and stickers.  There are some blank spaces still, but I ran out of time and decided it had enough.
During my date with my best friend Cristina, her husband gave me some floral stickers he had gotten in the mail!!  They are so pretty and vibrant.  Just a splash of color on a page of black ink.
Dash started karate on February 1st.  I grabbed this sticker from the front of the intro folder.  I don't think anyone will notice it is gone.  Besides stuff like this is fun to look back on after folders and paperwork gets lost.
I always keep the parking receipt we receive when we go to Disneyland.  I usually mark our location and take a photo of it with my phone so that when we leave I can just look at my phone instead of digging in my pocket for a piece of paper I could loose.
The Zentangle to the left of the word february is called Mumsy.  I am really liking this tangle pattern.  It's one of my favorites on the page.  If you know me, you know I love to draw flowers and what a fun flower it makes.
Last Sunday we took Dash mini golfing.  He LOVES mini golfing.  I'm trying to teach him that he wants to get the ball in the hole in the least amounts of putts.  We went alot when he was around 3 and he would get that ball in with the most amazing luck in 2-3 putts everytime.  Now, not so much now.  I don't want to make him over competitive, but I want him to make an effort to aim, instead of just hitting it randomly.
I am really loving this project.  I love the freedom I have each week to create something new.
I can't wait to complete the next 2 pages!!!
If you are wondering what this is all about please read about why I started this project.
Hope you were inspired!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

100 Collections...pens/markers

Dash is going to celebrate his 100th day of kindergarten on February 15th.  Each student has been asked to share a collection of 100.  This got me thinking about all the collections I have around my house.  I have a lot and I want to photograph them and share them with all of you.  I think once I pull them all out I'm going to organize them and figure out a way to display them or at least organize them better!! What fun!  I'm excited about this.  So, I decided to start with a collection that is in front of me almost everyday.  My markers and pens.  I love them all so much.  I use the pens the most, but I am constantly adding different markers all the time.  
Here are my beloved micron pens.  They are the foundation of my sketching, especially my Zentangles.  I love the 005 the most!  It's the smallest tip and I can get lots of detail done with it.  I also use this pen to write in my perpetual diary.  I need a tiny, fine tip to get the few lines in, so there will be lots of room for the years to come.
These are really pretty looking markers.  I haven't used them much.  I found them at Ross for $2.99.  I think I just liked buying them to add to my collection.  I will have to dedicate a page just using glitter markers.
These crayola markers are pretty original.  The tip is made up of three 'pieces' and each piece is a color shown on the marker, so you can kind of blend them together to get whatever it is you are coloring to look more natural if you will.  I got these on clearance at Staples a couple years ago for a $1.  I love the names...Amazon Rainforest, Caribbean Current, Grand Canyon.  I want that job...hmm what shall I name this one!!!!
These are my favorites of all time!!  Sharpie Pens.  My mom bought me the basic color, orange, green, blue, purple.  I, by chance, came across these Caribbean colors and I can't tell you how many black ones I've gone through.  The fine tip is perfect for drawing everything!!  Even writing.  Love the way they write.
I use these RoseArt skinny markers anytime my sketches call for color.  I have every color I need and the tip is just right.  I just can't justify spending a lot on markers and these were under $10 for 47.  (maybe I have lost a couple) This set pretty much has all the colors of the rainbow!!  
I got these at hobby lobby.  I really like the marker tips that are like a paintbrush.  It helps get the details a little better than a regular maker tip.
OOOooo...then comes my gel pens.  All of these gel pens are from the dollar bins at Target.  They work great!  Especially the glitter Hello Kitty ones, my favorite! (you knew I would have these, right?)
Here are more of the RoseArt skinny markers.  Love all these colors.  Gives me a nice choice depending on what kind of mood I'm in.
In this collection there are 172 pens and markers (at least for now)  It is constantly growing.  I hope you enjoyed taking a peek into my world through one of my collections.  I hope to share a collection with you randomly once a month.  Next week I am going to work on a better way to organize my markers and will share whatever it is that I come up with.
Do you have any collections?  What do you collect?
I think collections really show who you are!!!
I would love to see them.
I challenge you to gather them together, photograph them and share them!!
Hope you were inspired today!!